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Taking Care of #Our Hearts Together: Building Heart-Healthy Communities

Taking Care of #Our Hearts Together: Building Heart-Healthy Communities

(NewsUSA) - Heart disease is largely preventable, yet it’s still the leading cause of death in the United States. It affects millions of people, and its impact is not shared equally among all communities.

African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native communities have higher rates of both heart disease and risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and smoking. Research supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has shown that you can lower your individual risk for heart disease by taking preventive steps: being physically active, eating a healthy diet, managing stress, not smoking, getting enough sleep, and controlling your blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. All this can give your heart health a big boost, but the impact is greater when you join forces with friends and family members to be healthier – together.   

Studies have shown that having positive, close relationships and feeling connected to others benefits your overall health, blood pressure, weight, and more. NHLBI’s The Heart Truth® program suggests a few ways you can connect with friends, neighbors and colleagues to promote heart health in your own community: 

  • Set up an online support group to motivate each other as you work to meet your health goals.
  • Create a virtual bulletin board where your community can post encouraging comments and share heart-healthy recipes and other tips.
  • Schedule community walks to get your hearts pumping together.
  • Ask a local healthcare provider, community health worker, or health educator to host heart health education sessions or blood pressure screenings.
  • Connecting with others where you live, work, and play can help foster heart-healthy lifestyles and build healthier communities. Learn more about heart health and find resources to share in your community at


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